
deko FireSafe
Non-combustible composite laminate!

  • for a variety of applications
  • with many decorative surfaces
  • based on gypsum fibre board (glass fiber)
  • formaldehyde-free
  • mostly made from recycled materials
  • acoustic effect
  • healthy indoor air quality


Non-combustible composite laminate:

DIN EN 13501-1 
A1 and A2-s1-d0 as composite
Patent Nr. 10 2014 116 984

Best possible protection, aesthetics and sound in buildings and rooms are required where people work. Where people gather. Where people listen. Where people make sound. Where people want to relax. Wherever fire protection, living climate as well as acoustic noise and sound have an influence on safety, well-being and concentration.

The range of application of deko FireSafe includes areas such as public institutions, administrations or the hotel business and catering industry, shop fitting, trade fair construction, banks, insurance companies, healthcare, schools, colleges and universities. They have trust in the unique quality of our products. Interior design solutions with deko FireSafe are virtually unlimited. Deko FireSafe offers perfect solutions with many surfaces and in all fire protection classes. These include ceiling, wall, cupboard, form and furniture elements with different features.

The requirements are lightness, stability, nonflammability, climate resistance and easy assembly. They play a decisive role for deko FireSafe. Our materials are aimed at these requirements. This is certified by numerous tests and certificates. Apart from that, deko FireSafe is suitable for a large variability of products and materials, which leaves much room for projects.


>> Booklet deko-FireSafe® (PDF) 

>> Colours deko-FireSafe® (PDF) 

>> Technical data sheets deko-FireSafe® (PDF)

>> FireSafe® Metal Lightweight Board Interior A1 (Verolith® carrier board + metal coating)

>> FireSafe® composite panel (PDF)


Non-combustible HPL
TOP100 Innovator 2021
TOP100 Innovator 2021
2020 raumPROBE material award in the PROCESS category
proK award 2016
Receives pro-K award 2016 (product of the year)

Further decors included in the collection FireSafe:

Melamin HPL Filigran Line

dekolor collection:

Fantasy and wooden decors (dekonova)

dekonova collection:


dekovario collection: